Monday, May 15, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

40 Fun Facts about the Class of 2017

40 Fun Facts about the Class of 2017

In a few short weeks, kids all over the country will be graduating high school.  Here’s how their experience will be different than yours…

The lives of this year's high school students have spanned three decades, two centuries, and two millenniums. Few people in history have been able to claim such a feat.

They grew up with computers and the Internet in their homes, which has shaped the way they learn and communicate.

Everything is at their fingertips and they've grown accustomed to finding information in a matter of seconds using their smart phones and tablets.

Library terms such as "Dewy Decimal System" and "microfiche" are likely Greek to them.

They've grown up in post-9/11 America, and most of them can't remember a time when the War in Afghanistan wasn't being fought.

They don't know the meaning of "Be Kind, Rewind."

They'll never experience the sweet joy of waiting for hours to record the best song on the radio onto a cassette tape.

They’ve never lived in a world with monthly texting limits.

 If you say, “You sound like a broken record,” chances are they won’t understand you.

They don’t understand where the shutter sound your phone makes when it takes a picture comes from.

Point-and-shoot cameras are soooooo last millennium.

They’ve never had the crushing realization that their disposable camera pictures didn’t come out well.

Some of them were born the same year the first Apple stores opened.

You can say with 100% confidence that you have MP3s older than they are.

They’ll never know the LIE that was “anti-skip” technology on a CD player.

They’ve always had GPS and have never had to look up directions and print them out.

“Roll down your window” has no meaning.

Neither does “don’t touch that dial.”

They’ve never had to untangle a phone cord or straighten an antenna for TV reception

Beanie Babies were never seen as a gold mine to them.

They prefer to watch television everywhere except on a television.

They can carry school books--those that are not on their e-Readers--in backpacks that roll. 

And chances are they have never burned a CD.

The Spice Girls are just some middle-aged British women.View this image ›

They’ve never experienced the frustration of trying to record your favorite songs from the radio to a tape, only to have the DJ start talking and ruin everything.

Their lives have been measured in the fundamental particles of life: bits, bytes, and bauds.

They can’t picture people actually carrying luggage through airports rather than rolling it.

While still fans of music on radio, they often listen to it on their phones or replace it with music they’ve downloaded.

Their folks have never gazed with pride on a new set of bound encyclopedias on the bookshelf.

Exposed bra straps have always been a fashion statement, not a wardrobe malfunction to be corrected quietly by well-meaning friends.

A significant percentage of them will enter college already displaying some hearing loss.

They have lived in an era of instant stardom and self-proclaimed celebrities, famous for being famous.

Outdated icons with images of floppy discs for “save,” a telephone for “phone,” and a snail mail envelope for “mail” have oddly decorated their tablets and smart phone screens.

Star Wars has always been just a film, not a defense strategy.

Along with online view-books, parents have always been able to check the crime stats for the colleges their kids have selected.

Before they purchase an assigned textbook, they will investigate whether it is available for rent or purchase as an e-book.

History has always had its own channel.

The Biblical sources of terms such as “Forbidden Fruit,” “The writing on the wall,” “Good Samaritan,” and “The Promised Land” are unknown to most of them.

My List of Graduation Posts is HERE

40 Fun Facts about the Class of 2017 came from the following websites: